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December Christmas message

Contemplate the amazing event of Christmas anew in your heart.....

To my good friends and family;

Instead of a Christmas message this year I am sending a Christmas song apparently released in 2000, but which I have just heard. Not sure why it has taken so long for me to hear it.

I highly recommend you pass it on to others as you contemplate the amazing event of Christmas anew in your heart and what His birth means for experiencing miraculous hope and joy in how you choose to live your life. – Click link below and be sure to reflect on what the lyrics mean for our own hearts….has His profound and amazing coming and birth (and death and resurrection) really made a difference in our lives; to change who we are; or to change what we seek to achieve in this short time we have which we call “our life”; to give us hope in our most difficult moments because He Came, He Lives, He forgives and He is coming back? Or has Christmas just become another routine event of stories we have heard so often that they hold no meaning or awe for us any more?

Don’t forget to read the credits at the end!!!!

May you and Yours have a Blessed and Merry Christmas ….. as you contemplate the amazing event of Christmas anew in your heart and what His birth means for experiencing miraculous hope and joy in how you choose to live your life.

God Bless you and your families!


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